WoW News from Blizzcon 2007

I’ve just arrived back home from Blizzcon 2007 in Anaheim (Aug. 3-4), and what a show it was. The panel presentations and demos were free-wheeling Q&A sessions that turned out to be packed with interesting info; the game-play areas were easy to get at, thanks to huge banks of computers provided by Intel; the live tournaments (Arena 2 vs 2 and 5 vs 5) were a exciting; and the evening entertainment events (contests, concerts) were a lot of fun.

By now you’ve heard the big news that Blizzard held back as a surprise announcement for Blizzcon: Expansion II for World of Warcraft, “Wrath of the Lich King” – set in frozen Northrend. We got quite a lot of detail about the features and scope of the expansion, as well as hands-on playtime with one of the Expansion II starting areas.

I’ll feed you as many of the interesting details and tidbits as I can recall, in a series of posts to follow.

Here’s a photo of the lobby area of the Anaheim Convention Center on Friday morning (day 1), as we waited to rush the doors and get started.

Blizzcon Lobby on Opening Day







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