Category: Overheard

  • Expansion 2: Key Features of Wrath of the Lich King

    The biggest news at Blizzcon 2007 (Aug. 3-4 in Anaheim) was the announcement of the World of Warcraft Expansion II, which will be called Wrath of the Lich King. This was a real surprise, as Blizzard managed to keep the announcement under wraps, so tightly that there was little speculation or expectation of such an […]

  • WoW News from Blizzcon 2007

    I’ve just arrived back home from Blizzcon 2007 in Anaheim (Aug. 3-4), and what a show it was. The panel presentations and demos were free-wheeling Q&A sessions that turned out to be packed with interesting info; the game-play areas were easy to get at, thanks to huge banks of computers provided by Intel; the live […]

  • New Burning Crusade Non-Combat Pets are Worth the Effort

    Did you take some time to run through the Children’s Week quests over the Memorial Day weekend? Personally, I’m a fan of non-combat pets, and I really like the new quest reward pets added for the higher levels in the Burning Crusade version of Children’s Week. I picked myself up an Elekk elephant for my […]